Saturday, November 26, 2016

Jill Stein fearing obscurity demands recount

According to the latest results, Jill Stein got 1,207,141 wasted votes in the 2016 presidential election. That's a whopping 1% of the country and proof that some people are willing to vote for anyone with a pulse who is not the person they hate. 

In 2012, Stein got an even less whopping 469,501 votes (or 0.36% of the vote) and in neither election did she get the chance to be part of the TV debates.

Now the Green Party candidate began an effort a few days ago to get recounts in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan--because Donald Trump won them and she can't stand that fact.

In her feeble efforts, much like her feeble showing at the polls, Stein raised $5.8 million toward her goal of $7 million and on Friday she made the first official recount move in Wisconsin.

President-elect Donald Trump broke his silence Saturday on the sore-loser recount effort led by the leftist Stein and now joined by election-loser Hillary Clinton in spite of her already having conceded the election. Trump called the recount effort "ridiculous" and a scam.

"The people have spoken and the election is over," said Trump. "We must accept this result and then look to the future . . . "This recount is just a way for Jill Stein . . . to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount."

"Now that a recount in underway, we believe we have an obligation to the more than 64 million Americans who cast ballots for Hillary Clinton to participate in ongoing proceedings to ensure that an accurate vote count will be reported" [including those voters who have passed away but would have voted for Clinton, I'm sure], said Hillary for America lawyer Marc Erik Elias on Medium.

"We're standing up for a voting system that we deserve," said Stein, who, ironically, got more votes than she deserved.

Wisconsin law allows for a recount at a candidate's request, but the candidate must pay for it. The state has never before performed a recount but nothing is too good for "Crooked Hillary." Hopefully she will lose a second time and her liberal admirers can once again caterwaul with shameless abandon. It expected the recount will cost up to $1 million.

Although there's no reason to believe that there was election tampering in the states (if you don't count dead 'Democrats') Green Party spokesman George Martin insists "the American public needs to have it investigated to make sure our votes count."

I say if it's proven Trump won each of those states contested, that he be given an extra 2 years as POTUS.

Although Clinton won the popular vote by 2 million dead voters and those who voted more than once, it's the electoral votes that count and Trump kicked her rather substantial butt in that category.

Trump won Pennsylvania and Wisconsin decisively and holds only a slim lead of 10,704 in Michigan. The Associated Press has not yet officially called the race, but are expected to do so by 2018.

It was bad enough that this election lasted as long as it did, but to extend it for a recount is torturous. Just when we thought it was finally over, along came losers, Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton.

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