Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Brandon Victor Dixon's hypocrisy and racism

Brandon Victor Dixon lectured Vice President-elect Mike Pence as he stood with the cast of "Hamilton," a Broadway musical that costs around $3,000 a pop. Dixon said it wasn't a lecture, it was a conversation, but obviously he's an idiot who doesn't know the difference.

In fact, the lecture was so heart felt and sincere, he had to give the lecture using a flash card.

President-elect Donald Trump said that Dixon should apologize to Mike Pence and his family but the actor said he had nothing to apologize for and refused.

So instead of saying 'sorry' for being a Richard's nickname, perhaps he ought to consider saying it over some tweets he made on yesteryear, before "Hamilton" hit the stage.

On March 17, 2012 Dixon tweeted: "St. Patty's day weekend is like Christmas for black dudes who like white chicks. Happy holidays boys."

In another tweet he wrote: "For every racist comment I get about Trayvon, I'm going to turn one (1) white married, suburban housewife & mother into a jump off." [A 'jump off' is a casual sexual encounter.]

Finally, he responded to this June 27, 2013 tweet apparently made by a black woman who wrote: "Remember when NFL players would just play the game, bang mad ho's, and collect their checks? Guess that's not enough anymore." By tweeting this: "the problem is ho's aren't what they used to be. If ho game would step up, cats wouldn't get distracted."

Scott Pinsker, a marketing maven, to Fox411 that the actor's on-stage performance Friday in which he made the lecture and then chided his audience for booing Pence, is at odds with these less buttoned-up Twitter interactions.

"It's certainly hypocritical for Mr. Dixon to adopt the persona of a concerned civil rights statesman and dress-down Pence in a public theater, and then use that kind of language on social media. It reeks of phoniness," Pinsker said.

"That's one of the dangers of celebrities who use social media, many of us have multiple sides to our personality, and there are unintended consequences to angry, divisive language," Pinsker added. "It can cost you the moral high ground, and make you look like an oblivious, self-aggrandizing hypocrite."

Pence responded to the on stage lecture with class, saying that this is what liberty is all about. 

People didn't pay that kind of money to have to listen to a one-sided political rant, but Dixon knew that his audience was filled to the brim with New York progressives, liberals, LGBTQ folks and Trump-haters. However, what he did was not only be rude to Mr. Pence, but to the entire audience.

The speech went "We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us--our planet, our children, our parents--or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us."

Yes, "Hamilton" is so diverse that their casting notice made it clear that "non-whites only" need apply. Hopefully, the production will be sued for that violation of 'inalienable rights' of all Americans.

Who's the real racist?

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