Monday, October 10, 2016

Maryland imam a fan of ISIS

Abdurrahaman Bin Mikaayl aka Sebastian Gregerson
Annapolis, MD -- A cleric of the religion of peace, Suleiman Anwar Bengharsa, has openly praised the Islamic State and funded at least one Muslim convert who was arrested for buying explosives for reasons unknown (according to liberal media). The convert has not been arrested because he hasn't been caught breaking any laws yet.

The imam who preaches at mosques in Annapolis outside Baltimore also preached jihad as a prison chaplain (to use the term 'chaplain' loosely). 

The terrorist cheerleader (imams always stay on the sidelines while their flock blow themselves up) has posted a number of gruesome videos showing ISIS fighters beheading and burning alive their enemies. He also praised terrorist attacks overseas.

In June 2015, Bengharsa, 59, gave $1,300 to a 29-year-old Muslim convert named Sebastian Gregerson, in Detroit. Gregerson used the money to buy firearms and grenades.

Instead of calling himself Mohammad al-Something bin Other, he changed his name to Abdurrahaman Bin Mikaayl. He was arrested in July and indicted on explosives charges.

The FBI suspect the imam and Mikaayl were plotting terrorism (using Islam to justify it) according to a court filing. 

"Based on the totality of the aforementioned information and evidence, there is reason to believe that Bengharsa and Gregerson are engaged in discussions and preparations for some violent act on behalf of the Islamic State," an agent wrote.

Between 2014 and 2015, Bengharsa received $902, 710 in wire transfers and he sent money three times to an unnamed terrorist (I'm betting) in Yemen.

But let's not be Islamophobic, folks. 

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