It's an extremely sad day once again in America. Five Dallas police officers were gunned down and seven wounded by a group of what appears to be cowardly anarchists who "wanted to kill white people." This apparently planned sniper attack happened during an anti-police brutality protest Thursday.
What irony.
Predictably, President Obama used his verbal template to denounce the violence, calling the despicable attack a "vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement," omitting details about his very own attack on law enforcement when he took away tactical tools to make their jobs safer.
He also went into his "anti Second Amendment mode."
The President is currently in Poland for the NATO summit. It would be surprising if he returned to the USA since the dead were police.
I hope I'm wrong.
Obama said "We still don't know all the facts." But since when does he need to know all the facts when it's a Michael Brown or Freddie Gray death?
When the shooting began, the crowd ran away from the gunshots as the police ran toward the danger. I hope the crowd of anti-police protestors take that into account. Very very few cops are bad.
Three suspects were taken into custody and one gunman was killed during the carnage. The suspects were not cooperating, according to officials.
The man who was killed had holed up in a parking garage. He said that he was upset with white people and wanted to kill white people, "especially police officers."
The Dallas Chief of Police David Brown spoke. He said "We don't feel much support, most days. Let's make today different than most days."
What is needed right now is for us to come together as a nation and ditch the politics. We need to protect those who protect us: law enforcement. Thus, we need to return to them the tactical tools they need to stay safe against lunatics like Micah Johnson, the dead shooter.
DART officer Brent Thompson, 43 |
We need to deal with hate groups like Black Lives Matter and the race baiters like the not-so Rev. Al Sharptongue and his biggest competitor, the hardly Rev. Jessie Jackson.
Black Lives Matter has put out a statement saying that they advocate 'dignity, justice and freedom, not murder,' but that doesn't stop them from chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em up like bacon."
That doesn't sound very dignified or advocate for justice. And what kind of 'freedom' do they advocate? Freedom from the law? It doesn't make sense.
For now, let's pray for the families of the dead officers and try to have a real dialogue with each other and not allow politicians to blow on the coals.
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