Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Londonistahn mayor wants Sharia-compliance

 London is gone.
First he came for the ads--but I wasn't a model, so I didn't speak out. Then he came for the Jews--but I wasn't a Jew, so I didn't speak out. Then he came for the gays--but I wasn't gay, so I didn't speak out. Then he came for the bloggers, and there was no one to speak out for me.
Sadiq Khan, London's first Muslim mayor, is calling for a ban on public ads that show women in minimal clothing for ads such as swim suits. He says it's all about "body shaming" those women whose bodies are not like those of a model, but more like the majority of women. Of course, critics are calling him out for what they believe his reason to be: Sharia--or Islamic law.

"As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies," Khan wrote. "It is high time it came to an end."

Khan will likely soon attempt to remove "swine" from public restaurant menus, ban outdoor barbecues that cook swine and non halal food, and women wearing short skirts in public. 

Kahn called for the ban claiming that images such as the "Beach Body Ready" photo used by Protein World send a harmful image. Beating one's wife, and honor killings, not so much.

The city's mass transit system, Transport for London, will be creating an "Advertising Steering Group" in conjunction with the advertising companies to ensure that London's transportation "reflect London's diversity," according to Khan's office.

Of course, critics believe this is an accommodation to Sharia.

And they would be correct. 

London is gone.

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