Saturday, May 7, 2016

Over 50 mass graves left by the JV team

More than 50 mass graves have been found in Iraq that had once been ISIS-held territory, according to a report by Fox News.

Jan Kubis told the U.N. Security Council that three of the 50 graves were found on soccer grounds on April 19th near Ramadi. Kubis claimed that ISIS "remains a formidable and determined enemy that constantly adjusts its tactics and attack patterns,"  

President Obama said in response: "That's what JV teams do. They have no mission ideology so they ad lib. They got nothing. Nothing. And they don't represent the beautiful religion of Islam, nor are they a state. ISIS is no threat--they are a JV team and the U.S. A. is the Harlem Globetrotters."

The Ramadi discovery may contain as many as 40 additional souls and Kubis called on the international community to "take steps to ensure the accountability" of ISIS.

Iraq military took back parts of Ramadi from ISIS in December 2015 after being held by the fighting scumcrumpets since last May. Mass graves have been uncovered near Sinjar, Tikrit and Anbar.

Kubis, a native of Slovakia, was appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as his Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Kubis implored Iraqi political leaders and civil society to work hand-in-hand to resolve the political deadlock, which only helps the interests of ISIS.

Meanwhile back at home,  Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison refused to renounce Sharia Law when asked about comments made by fellow Congressman Steve King. 

King told TPM, "You won't get Keith Ellison or Andre Carson in this Congress to renounce Sharia law, let alone somebody that's just come out of the Middle East that is someone who has been steeped in Islam for a lifetime."

Ellison was rather pissed that Rep. King would call him out for his anti-American religious ideology. When asked about King's comment all Ellison could do is what CAIR and other anti-American Islamists do--he went all ad hominem on King calling it "an incredibly ignorant statement."

Of course, it really is an "incredibly informed statement" if you know anything about Sharia law. The fact that Ellison refused to answer the charge directly, rather than making it about King, is just another Taqiyya response made by a person who puts Islam over America.

We are in bed with the wrong people and one of them is a guy whose middle name is Hussein.

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