Thursday, May 26, 2016

Obama cannot not campaign

Golfer and part time POTUS Barack Hussein Obama is in Japan. For those of you from out of town, Japan is a foreign country. That's where Obama is--in a foreign country, which is any country that isn't the United States of America.

It has been common sense as well as common courtesy for a politician, particularly a president, not to talk badly about another American politician. It shows little class and it's disrespectful to at least half the nation that might vote for the other guy.

But Obama is an amateur and spoke against the GOP nominee, Donald Trump. He claims that world leaders are "rattled" about what Trump will do as president, and Obama isn't afraid to say that because he has nothing to fear having done nothing as president other than pump up the debt to an astronomical level, over regulate industry, defy the Constitution and move the country so far to the left, that even a socialist like Bernie Sanders isn't considered to be an

In fact, Obama came to the presidency with no foreign experience nor any substantive work experience other than being a part time lecturer and community organizer. Trump has created thousands of jobs, worked with foreign companies, and has a far less shady past.

One of Obama's first "accomplishments" as president was to renege on the defense shields in the Czech Republic and Poland. He was more intent upon kissing up to the Russians than fulfilling his pledge. Europe saw that we couldn't be trusted and Putin saw that we didn't have a pair.

There are plenty of examples of Obama's screwed up foreign policy but the worst thing about his take on Donald Trump is that he did it in a foreign country and they may need to deal with Trump as our next president.

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