Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Guccifer may dethrone the Queen of Benghazi

Marcel Lehel Lazar (aka Guccifer) the Romanian hacker who said he breached Hillary Clinton's personal email server is finalizing a deal with the  FBI. 

Lazar, 44, told officials  in mid-April that he wanted to cooperate with the U.S. government about Clinton's illegal server and is working on a plea deal. He has stopped talking to the media in early May and although he originally pleaded not guilty, he is now expected to plead guilty to some of the charges.

Hillary is likely very nervous, but it isn't known if the deal Guccifer worked out has anything to do with federal cooperation regarding her server investigation. But if it does, I believe she isn't going to be our first gender card-pulling POTUS.

An intelligence source said that if Lazar pleads guilty to compromising Sidney Blumenthal's AOL email account, which is one of the charges against the hacker, it will unmask Hillary's lie claiming that she never put sensitive information on her personal email server, which made it accessible to hacking.

The source said that "[Clinton's] gross negligence allowed this material to get out to an adversary. Through her communications with Blumenthal, [Clinton] contributed exposure and risk."

Clinton was ordered by Obama not to involve Blumenthal in her State Department dealings and she did so anyway. 

Clinton was schooled on government security and knew full well that she was not allowed to use a private email server for government business, and she did so anyway.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for an incompetent person who never told a lie she didn't like, who attacked her husband's accusers of sexual misconduct, and who failed the Washington D.C. bar exam.

The only reason she has been able to go as far as she has thus far, is because of who her husband is. And that ain't so hot.

One can only hope the Department of Justice does the right thing and indict the Queen of Benghazi.

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