Monday, May 2, 2016

Hillary admits to being experienced with men

Former First Lady, former New York State Senator, former Secretary of State and former Republican, Hillary Clinton spoke about GOP frontrunner for the 2016 presidential campaign, former TV host of the show "The Apprentice"  Donald Trump.

Mrs. Clinton was responding to the charge that Trump is viewed by many people as a sexist, and when it comes to sexism, Mrs. Clinton has extensive experience.

In spite of the fact that women who work for Mr. Trump and had direct contact with him, fail to consider him a sexist. Many say that he's fair, see no pay discrepancies between men and women, and believe they are treated respectfully by Trump. 

What could they possibly know?

Mrs. Clinton has always treated women fairly, in spite of the slight pay discrepancies between men and women on her staff. 

At Hillary's victory rally in Philadelphia Tuesday, she said, "The other day, Mr. Trump accused me of playing the, quote, 'woman card.' Well, if fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in."

But does she practice what she preaches?

In an article in the online Independent Journal, it says that Hillary paid her female staff $0.72 to the dollar that men were paid. Perhaps she feels that her closest aide, Huma Abedin, makes up for the average with her inflated salary. But Huma Abedin, wife of the Weiner, Anthony, is very special to Hillary.

Jake Tapper of CNN asked her whether she learned from the way Republicans have attacked Trump as to how she would campaign against him if they both were nominated. She said, "I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak. I'm not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try and provoke me."

The 'reservation' remark was a non-PC micro-aggression causing liberals all over the land except for the media, to go ballistic. I think that's stupidly ridiculous because I'd say the same thing if a conservative made that remark. However, you must admit that Hillary does have a lot of experience with one man who often sneaked off the reservation for a tryst or twenty. 

But notice how Hillary actually plays the "poor me, I'm a fragile woman in a pear-shaped pant suit" card. She uses the term 'temper tantrums' to describe reasonable disagreement with her. It's kind of like a feminist version of Islamophobia--it's intended to shut you up.

Anyone, the shouting Hillary went on, "He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I could really care less. We're going to talk about what we're going to do for the country, and he can continue on his insult-fest. That's the choice he's making."

Does anyone really believe that Clinton "could really care less"? She must be worried about Trump because he's obviously not going to be easy on her with her husband's sexcapades and her involvement, or rather, noninvolvement, with Benghazi, other than her lies.

Trump will also go after her private server, I would bet. 

And her private Blackberry. And the emails. And Whitewater. And her bashing of Monica Lewinsky. And Travelgate. Pardongate. Filegate. 

Finally, one can only wonder if the Clinton Foundation can be proven to be a slush fund for the Clintons. Perhaps the FBI will find that to be true, but don't hold your breath.

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