Saturday, May 14, 2016

Hezbollah loses another scumcrumpet

Beirut -- Mustafa Badreddine, 55, was blown to bits in an explosion in Damascus, causing a serious blow to the Shiite scumcrumpets of Hezbollah. 

Badreddine (his friends called him "Mustafa Badass") was a top military commander who was in charge of operations in Syria. He was the mastermind of Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian civil war since the perennial fighters joined the battle siding with Syrian President Bashar-the-chin-Assad. Syrian rebels have been trying to remove Assad.

Hezbollah and Iran are Assad's biggest fans.

The blast that blew Badreddine to smithereens wounded several other Islamic jihadists and the terror group was investigating the nature of the explosion and whether it was the result of an air raid, artillery shelling or a missile attack. Either way, dead is dead and Badass is now diddy-bopping along the rivers of Paradise looking for available virgins--the supply is getting low, I've heard.

Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen TV, which is close to the Lebanese Shiite group, said that Badreddine was killed in an Israeli airstrike but later removed the report. 

Badreddine was tried in absentia, along with four others for the murder of former Lebaneses Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005. Hariri an  22 others were killed in a suicide bombing and considered on of the Middle East's most dramatic political assassinations. Sean Penn may be starring in the movie as the bomb.

Hezbollah denies any involvement in Hariri's murder.

Badass's death is the biggest blow to Hezbollah since the 2008 assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, his predecessor. Mughniyeh was killed in a bomb attack in Damascus.

After that, Badreddine, known among the rank and file as Zulfiqar (which roughly translated means: "Enchanter of Goats") became the top cheese and advisor to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

He will be sorely missed. LOL

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