Saturday, May 14, 2016

Adelson the billionaire may give Trump $100 million

Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire Republican has basically volunteered to become the DNC's next object of humiliation and be donned a "racist," "sexist," "xenophobe," "Islamophobe" and "one percenter." In other words, Adelson has said that he would be willing to give as much as $100 million to Donald Trump's campaign.

Contrary to what Bernie Sanders may say about him, Adelson did not earn his wealth on Wall Shhtreet--he is a casino magnate and earned his money off of people who were willing to risk taking his.

Adelson reportedly pledged the money to Trump during a meeting in New York, according to The Times.

Democrats will likely protest the contribution, but ironically, they never seem to mind taking money from socialist, Nazi collaborator, George Palindrome Soros.

Obviously, Trump will need the money in spite of his self-funding his campaign to this point. It was a great selling point, but when you go up against a felon like Hillary Clinton, whose war chest is huge, (and Bill loves huge chests) he will need financial help if he hopes to be competitive. 

Adelson's contribution to Trump will result in his having to scale back on contributing to congressional Republicans who will be in a tough battle to hold the Senate. 

Trump already loaned himself $50 million but believes he will need a billion dollars to fund his run for the White House.

Adelson publicly endoresed Trump las week after backing Ted Cruz's losing effort at a GOP bid.

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