Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Al Qaeda Leader Droned Dead

Afghanistan -- Another Mohammad Al Qaeda dude got himself droned and sent to "heaven" just in time to make the NHL playoffs being shown on Paradise TV. The kill shot happened in Zabul Province in southern Afghanistan, according to Tolo News, a local website.

The dead commander is identified as Mullah Mohammad Ali, named in honor of the prophet of Islam, aka the religion of peace. The U.S. confirmed that a strike occurred in the same locale, but didn't say if an Al Qaeda Muslim was killed. 

He was, and it's time to cover him up 'fore he stinks.

"We can confirm that U.S. Forces conducted a counter-terrorism strike in the Shah Joyl district, Zabul Province, May 17. For operational security reasons, we do not discuss the details of counter-terrorism operations," the statement said from Operation Resolute Support, the U.S.-led mission in Afghanistan.

The U.S. has conducted about 100 strikes from January through March 1st. Last month, 19 strikes were conducted, according to Brig. Gen. Charles H. Cleveland, deputy chief of staff for communications for Operation Resolute Support. The majority targeted ISIS or ISIS-affiliated groups in eastern Afghanistan. Some, however, were against Al Qaeda.

According to Cleveland, there are currently between 100 and 300 Al Qaeda scumcrumpets in Afghanistan.

Cleveland was asked about the level of coordination between Al Qaeda and the Taliban (pronounced "Tahleebahn" by President Obama) and said that they were working closely together at times. 

"We have seen more interaction. We have seen them working more together," Cleveland said. "Bottom line is there is still an Al Qaeda presence here in Afghanistan." And he believes there are about 30,000 Taliban jihadists in Afghanistan versus our 10,000 troops--a number slated to be cut in half by a half-witted president by the time he finally leaves office.

Anyway, back to Mohammad. While we refuse to admit that he's deader than 4-year-old roadkill along I 95, the chances are we won't be hearing from him in the future and his wife can rejoice in the fact that he's getting it on with 72 virgins.

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