Thursday, March 24, 2016

"Gitmo transfers killed Americans"

Paul Lewis, a senior Defense Department official, told lawmakers that Obama's policy of letting terrorists transfer out of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba, is getting Americans killed by the same scumcrumpets they freed. This is obviously angering Republicans who have opposed Obama's pro-Islamic terrorist plan to let these people go.

Life in Gitmo is rough--if you're the ball
 Lewis' statement comes on the heels of the Brussels attacks that killed 31 and injured over 250 innocent victims. Thanks to the ineptitude of EU security officials, the terrorists who did the killing were "being watched closely," but were allowed to plot and plan in "no go zones" that protect these killers.

Lewis would not say whether the murders of Americans by freed Gitmo terrorists came before or after Obama took office in 2009, but in any case, it shows the need to keep the detention facility open and actively taking in more of these barbarians.

In an exchange with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) Lewis said, "What I can tell you is unfortunately there have been Americans that have died because of (Guantanamo) detainees. When anybody dies, it is tragedy and we don't want anybody to die because we transfer detainees."

The point isn't who let the detainees go free; the point is that to do so now is reckless and stupid. 

"Bush 43" was guilty of releasing 532 scumcrumpets from Gitmo, mostly from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. It's possible that some of them are guilty of killing Americans. That should serve as a clear and present danger of releasing more and closing the facility to make Raul Castro a happy dictator.

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