Sunday, March 20, 2016

Fox Refuses to do a "Breitbart"

Donald Trump wants to fire Megyn Kelly. Unfortunately for him, she isn't on his show, "The Apprentice," she's on "The Kelly File, "her show.

Things got bad last summer during the first Fox debate in which Kelly asked Trump about the derogatory remarks he'd made about women in the past. Since that debate, Trump doesn't seem to be able to get her out of his mind.

This week, "The Donald" sent out a bunch of derogatory tweets calling her "ridiculous," "over-rated," "crazy," and "unwatchable." Evidently, Mr. Trump watches a lot of TV and knows what's watchable and what isn't.

Fox News, who was at one time accused of being in the tank for Trump, responded to his attack against their employee, something that Breitbart news failed to do for theirs (Michelle Fields). Fox accused Trump of making "sexist verbal assaults" against Ms. Kelly:
Donald Trump's vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land.
Megyn Kelly is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America--we're extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump's endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable news, it's especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job. 
In response to Fox's statement, Trump's campaign said that 'Fox News has begged Mr. Trump to do a prime time special to be broadcast on the Fox Network, not cable, with Megyn Kelly. He has turned them down."

My guess is that he's actually afraid of Megyn Kelly. She asked him difficult questions when all he wanted was to be loved. 

According to a Fox representative,  Bill Geddie, the executive producer for the show scheduled in May, nobody associated with Megyn Kelly's upcoming special reached out to Trump to be on the show for an interview.

Kelly has said nothing about Trump's attacks, which I suspect infuriates him even more.

According to his campaign spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, Trump considers Kelly to be "biased" against him and said in a statement that "Megyn Kelly is a highly overrated reporter and anchor that constantly disparages Mr. Trump with negative and inaccurate reports."

She was likely referring to what Trump actually said as opposed to what he changed it to the same day.

Like Fox or hate them, at least they have the decency and guts to stand behind their reporter. Breitbart, take note.

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