Monday, February 29, 2016

Iran kills all the men in a village: it's how Islam rolls

President Obama is doing all that he can to build some sort of legacy in the waning months of hat remains of his failed leadership. Not only is he doing all he can to close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, he solidified the nuclear deal with Iran and has lifted the sanctions that have kept the terrorist nation from developing nuclear weapons.

Valerie Jarrett, Obama's authoritarian adviser, is from Iran. She even speaks Farci and God only knows what her true religion is (no pun intended). There is no question that Jarrett is deeply involved and committed to our new relationship with this terrorist state.

Iranians still make sport of chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel." It's how they roll. In spite of that, we are giving them tons of money that will likely be used to support terrorism.

Iran also rolls in even more horrible ways.

In a quiet little village located in the Sistan and Baluchestan province bordering both Pakistan and Afghanistan, the village men were all accused of drug trafficking, punishable by death in this lovely theocratic nation.

Whether or not the men were put on trial is unknown, but what is known is that they were all executed by the Iranian government, accused of smuggling opium and other narcotics.

Every man in the village was hung. It's doubtful they were actually put on trial, but in Islamic theocracies, the only judge and jury prays five times a day and has his followers kill in the name of Allah.

"The apparent hanging of every man in one Iranian village demonstrates the astonishing scale of Iran's execution spree. These executions--often based on juvenile arrests, torture, and unfair or nonexistent trials--show total contempt for the rule of law, and it is shameful that the UN and its funders are supporting the police forces responsible," said Maya Foa, a spokeswoman for Reprieve, an anti-death penalty group.

The United Nations and its Organization of Islamic Cooperation  basically does nothing to stop these atrocities or even go the first step of saying anything about them because killing drug dealers, even killing gays or Jews, is how Islam rolls.

Since "moderate" President Hassan Rouhani took office, executions have increased dramatically. In fact, Iran has executed 73 children between 2005 and 2015, and the execution rate is slated to rise.

This is the country we made a shaky nuclear deal with and who say their nuclear development is for peaceful purposes. If you understand what Islam means by the notion of 'peace,' you would believe them.

Peace will come when the only people left in the world submit to Allah.

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