Sunday, January 10, 2016

Obama tears: the new gun oil

In honor of the empty seat Clint Eastwood used to represent the absence of a real president of the United States, our current so-called president of the United States is using the same prop that represented him, to represent victims of gun violence. However, the White House left out the entire explanation regarding the prop. 

The drama will take place at the State of the Union address on Tuesday and it is predicted that nothing will change--law abiding citizens will continue to not kill innocent people with their guns but criminals will, and Islamic extremists will continue to take advantage of "gun-free zones" shooting as many unarmed citizens as they can before police arrive.

Obama is pretending to reduce gun violence by being a dictator and shredding the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution was written to protect us from the Obamas of the world just as he pretends that he is not trying to take our guns from us.

If he was so concerned about the lives that could be saved, even if it's only a few, he should consider becoming a dictator over the pro-abortionists and take those rights away from them while providing rights to the unborn who cannot speak for themselves.

A White House official said that Obama told his supporters the open seat next to Moochelle'v viewing box was for "the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice--because they need the rest of us to speak for them."

Great idea. Let's do the same for the unborn. They  apparently don't count as much to Obama as the gangbangers who shoot each other on the streets of Chicago.

How is it that Obama can cry over a child who is accidentally killed by gun violence, but he's perfectly okay with a child's brain being harvested while he's still alive?

He says that he's using his executive powers to change gun laws because Congress has failed to act, but that is precisely why we have a separation of powers. Just because Congress refuses to go along with his abuse of Constitutional law, does not give him the right to do as he wants to change the law.

And people wonder why the political outsiders are kicking butt in their campaigning.

The real empty seat was the one Clint Eastwood used to represent Obama, but it also represented many in Congress.

"Molon labe, baby."

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