Friday, December 18, 2015

Obama Gitmo and the end game

He promised to be the most transparent president in our nation's history. He told us if we liked our doctors, we can keep our doctors; period. 

He said that we are not at war with Islam and that Islam is a religion of peace. He even told us Islamic State isn't Islamic and it isn't a state. He told us he would lead the war against Islamic State with "strategic patience." 

Then he claimed that the real threat to our country isn't terrorism, it's climate change. In fact, he blamed terrorism on climate  change.

Does president Obama know what the hell he's talking about? Is he stupid or does he have some devious master plan to take America down the road to perdition? I don't believe that, but who knows?

The one promise he made to his liberal base was that he'd close Guantanamo Bay Detention facility in Cuba. The base of lefties loved the idea because it sounded, well, so idealistic, cool and humane. Heck, the guy won a Nobel Peace Prize just three months after he was sworn in and hadn't done one damn peaceful thing then and created anything but peace since.

So he wants to empty Gitmo and a congressional aide confirmed to that the Pentagon is pushing the idea of possibly transferring another 17 Islamic jihadist terrorists (an oxymoron if ever there was one) but still had concerns that while the strategy to give Obama's legacy some juice by reducing the camp's population to "as low as they can get," it involves "a good deal of risk."

But the substantial risk isn't going to be to the congressional aide, or even Obama--it will be to the American public. If these terrorists are put into the regular prison system, I strongly believe they will convert as many inmates that aren't Muslim to the religion of peace and create a spate of Jihad Joes.
Kid not in Gitmo

Defense Secretary Ash Carter told Congress that he has approved the 17 proposed transfers, but knowing what we now know about Carter's use of his private email account for Defense Department emails, it's clear that his judgment is no better than his boss's. 

Especially since he continued using his private email account 2 months after Hillary Clinton used a private server for hers as secretary of state and hopefully threw a spanner in the works of her campaign.

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