Sunday, December 13, 2015

Lunatic educators and PC insanity

It's the time of the year for pine trees, lights, holly and people like Eujin Jaela Kim to find traditions offensive. What a lunatic.

Kim, the new principal of PS 169 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, moronically finds the words: Santa Claus, Christmas, Thanksgiving, star, angel, and who knows what else, offensive, or insensitive, or politically incorrect.

These are the people responsible for educating the youth of America--can we still call it "America?"

I believe that some of these idiots go all PC on the public just to get their name and face in the media. They are changing our country much like Obama said he would, and yes, he's changing it too.

The teachers and parents of PS 169 are upset with this mountebank principal too. 

Thanksgiving has become a "harvest festival." Christmas is a "winter celebration." And you can't use the word "star" because it might refer to the Star of David, a Jewish symbol, and you know how upset that would make the anti-Semites. 

This is truly screwed up (I had a different word in mind instead of "screwed" but in this case, PC is correct) and I hope people become as incensed over this crap as me.

Ninety-five percent of the 1600 kids at the school are Asian or Hispanic. The latter group is generally composed of Christians, not winter celebration fanatics, or festivus celebrators like George from Seinfeld. Many Asians are also Christian.

If Christmas and Hanukkah offend some people who are not Christian or Jewish, that in itself is offensive.

The New York City Department of Education allows holiday symbols like Christmas trees, kinaras (Kwanzaa candleholders named after Jewish menorahs) dreidels, Hanukkah menorahs and the Islamic star-and-crescent. But displays that "depict images of deities, religious figures or religious texsts," are prohibited. 

Santa Claus, by the way, is considered to be an "other religious figure." What idiocy. At least the Department of Education said that Santa is permitted as a secular figure.

Keeping with the "War Manual Against American Tradition," the school was told by Kim that the "Pledge of Allegiance" is not to be uttered in class, in spite of the DOE saying that it's up to the teacher's discretion. 

Kim never told them. 

For more on moron Kim, read the New York Post article. She reminds me of a mental patient I once worked with years ago.

Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish readers. 

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