Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hostages win, taxpayers lose again

Why is it not surprising that the U.S. taxpayer will be footing the bill Iran was supposed to pay for the embassy personnel taken hostage in the 1979 Islamic Revolution?

It isn't surprising because this administration would go so far as to kiss the Ayatollah's butt in Macy's window to appease him.

A fund known as the "United States Victims of State Sponsors of Terrorism Fund" (better known as "Americans Will Handle the Heavy Lifting for you, Iran Fund") with over $1 billion of taxpayer money set aside, was an added boner to the omnibus bill penned by Congress and signed into law by so-called President Barack Hussein Obama on December 28th.

What the hell, it isn't their money.

The 52 Americans that were held in captivity by Iran can get up to $4.4 million each, and each spouse and child of the victims get another $600,000 each. It looks like Iran lucked out with the U.S. picking up the tab.

The victims have been seeking numeration for being held but were prevented from suing Iran because the 1981 Algiers Accords, which secured their release. The Algiers Accords had a provision barring litigation by the hostages from suing the Iranian government.

The hostages were taken from the U.S. embassy in Tehran when hundreds of student protesters stormed the complex. A few months later, former failed President Jimmy Carter authorized Operation Eagle Claw, a rescue attempt that failed as miserably as his presidency. Thus, the hostages were held for 444 days and after lengthy negotiations, were released on President Ronald Reagan's inauguration in January 1981.

As usual, Obama lets Iran win while American taxpayers continue to lose.

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