Thursday, November 19, 2015

Obama still refuses to ID ISIS as Islamic

President Obama claimed the Paris terrorist attack carried out by Muslim extremists was an attack "not just on Paris, it's an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and the values that we share."

Of course, in light of the fact that his lips were moving, he was lying.

Clearly, the attack by ISIS that targeted non-Muslim French people, was not an attack on "all humanity," just the humanity that radical Islam refuses to allow to coexist. They call us 'infidels.' Our humanity is different from theirs.

What radical Islam, (aka ISIS, aka Islamic jihadists) values is a caliphate, a society where Sharia law is imposed on all the world. In fact, the real purpose of jihad in all of its forms is to impose Sharia law. For a really good understanding of Islam and Sharia, check out Jihad Watch. You might even make a connection to the idea of taqiyya and Obama.

To further the attempt at establishing a caliphate and killing infidels along the bloody road, German police discovered a "bomb-truck disguised as an ambulance" outside a soccer stadium. The bomb was designed t to explode inside the ground where a "Germany friendly with Holland" was scheduled.

The game was cancelled 90 minutes before kickoff.

Jihadists see nothing wrong with killing infidels because we infidels, in their warped way of thinking, are not innocent civilians.

"And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know whom Allah knows: (Sura 8:60)

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