Saturday, September 19, 2015

Homosexual man nominated by "First Gay President" to lead the Army

Our "first gay president" is nominating Eric Fanning to be the new Secretary of the Army. Fanning, who is openly gay, would be the first homosexual leader of a military service. This should go over well with Army Rangers and Green Berets.

Obama is doing his level best to eliminate barriers in the military based on sexuality or gender. He may even be considering pedophiles and bestiality practitioners as even more barriers are lifted by Mr. Obama, but for now, homosexuals can run the military and can serve openly. This, of course, came on the heels of the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy where homosexuals could serve if they stayed in the closet.

Recently, two women earned their Army Ranger tabs this summer, a historical first for the Army. This comes at a time when the Marines announced that they would allow women to fight in open armored units but sought to keep infantry and artillery jobs closed to them, which goes against the trend followed by the other three branches of the military.

Fanning, 47, served as Defense Secretary Ash Carter's chief of staff and acting secretary of the Air Force. He became the Army's undersecretary in July. He also served as Deputy Director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism--you can easily see how that has worked out for us.

Obama said in a statement that Fanning brings years of experience and leadership to the role of Secretary of the Army, and he suspects that uniforms and drills will be more spruced up, and the decor in the barracks will "knock your socks off." Just kidding.

The Senate must confirm his nomination and based upon how Obama has the GOP on a short leash, there should be no problem. Perhaps there ought not need to be any problems--Fanning may be fine.

Twitter was abuzz with the news. "Proud of my friend Eric Fanning who will make history, again! Obama nominates 1st gay service secretary to lead Army," USAID official Clay Doherty tweeted.

I think it's great to have a gay man leading the U.S. Army. I don't have a problem with that. 

What I have a problem with is the need for us to incessantly announce the sexuality of people whose sexuality is not the statistical norm. So he's gay, so what? Being gay, straight, lesbian, transgender, or 'into' critters is personal and should not be a badge of honor.

I guess in Obama's eyes, gay people, who admit being gay, are heroes, not the people, straight or otherwise, who actually put their life on the line.

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