Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ringless in the Oval Office

Could it be that Barack and the Mooch are on the outs? Is the marriage of our POTUS and the First Lady a thing of the past, like the Crusades, for example? Or did Barack simply leave his wedding ring on a bus or cab and forgot to take it with him?

President Obama's wedding ring was obviously missing from his left hand on Sunday the White House pool report said. Barack was at Camp David on Sunday then returned to the White House where the Associated Press snapped a photo of our imperial leader without his wedding ring. He had been playing golf (big surprise) earlier in the morning to celebrate his birthday which arrives on Tuesday.

Perhaps he will take his pen and phone, remove it from his nether region, and declare his birthday a national holiday.

The ring-less leader was seen on Friday signing highway funding legislation and was not wearing his wedding ring. Last March, Obama went a full week ring-less and stag.

Michelle, for all you celebrity-watchers, was away from the White House most of the summer. Maybe if the name of the place was different, she would have spent more time there, but maybe it has something to do with a dying flame for America's "first gay president."

 I don't know.

The Mooch took the kids to Europe in June (we paid for it) and spent last week in Palm Springs (we paid for it again), and went to see the Special Olympics and headed out to Coachella Valley where she stayed at the Rancho Mirage, a fitting name to describe her marriage.

Even the Obama girls have been remained away from the White House. Malia is now living in New York City interning for Lena Dunham's HBO show Girls.

Perhaps Barack will make an appearance on the show some time in the future. It's what he does.

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