Friday, July 31, 2015

What the deal is as we know it: 7 disturbing facts

Zarif: "I'm with Stupid"

Here's what we know about the Iran nuclear deal thus far:

1. The Ayatollah made it clear that Iran does not have to honor the nuclear deal. Now isn't that just peachy? Imagine how stupid we look to these scumcrumpets--they get everything they want and we get a Muslim-sympathetic so-called president who gets a legacy that might eventuate into a Chamberlain-ish legacy. The only difference between Obama and Neville Chamberlain, however, is the latter actually loved his country.

2. The United States and Canada are not allowed to be part of the nuclear facility inspection team. 

This makes perfect sense . . . if you happen to converse in Farsi. 

3. Soil samples will be provided to the inspectors by the terrorists being inspected. If any soil is found to have radiation contamination, chickens will blacken the skies and snakes will grow hips.

4. There are side deals we don't know about. This is yet another Nancy Pelosi-esque trust issue but without all the hand dancing.

5. There has been no letup in the "Death to America" chant-athons being led by men of Allah in Iran. Thousands of Iranian men can be seen throughout Tehran screaming this out while the women are home cleaning weapons.

Imagine the fervor; imagine the odor.

6. Iran has not agreed to allowing Israel to exist. This does not bode well for Israel. They claim it is their religious freedom that allows for this sentiment and we should keep our infidel pie holes shut, or they'll shut them for us . . . with a nuke.

7. Obama and his cronies have gone behind Congress' back (if, indeed, Congress were an actual person with a back) and had the Islamic Republic of Arabic Nations (aka, the UN or Iran--take your pick) vote for the relief of sanctions on the terrorist Islamic state. Now they will be able to pay for their high aspirations. 

Thank you Mr. Kerry and President-for-now-Obama.

What good is a legacy, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, if there's nobody left to share it with?

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