Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hillary's Rope-a-Dope

Haystack Calhoun
Democrats will not be voting for Hillary Clinton based on anything she says to reporters because she doesn't tend to say anything to reporters, except those who call themselves reporters but are as fair and balanced as Haystacks Calhoun on a teeter-totter going up against Twiggy in the schoolyard see-saw challenge.

Now the First Lady of the Pantsuit had her aides rope off reporters on Saturday in New Hampshire as she lied spoke to potential voters during a Fourth of July parade. If you don't find this un-American and offensive, then you might be a liberal-progressive-First-Amendment-Hater.

Or you might be a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer like her main aide, Huma Abedin.

Jennifer Horn, the New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman, said in a statement that "Hillary Clinton continues to demonstrate her obvious contempt and disdain for the Granite State's style of grassroots campaigning. The use of a rope line at a New Hampshire parade is a sad joke and insults the traditions of our first-in-the-nation primary."

It is not accurate to call the rope a joke; it's a slap in the face to our free press. What right does anyone have to rope off a public street to keep away the press?

Of course, the same staff that helped the pear-shaped Second Lady (to Monica Lewinsky et al) responded to the anger of the press by telling CNN (Certainly Not News) "While the GOP might want to spin a good yarn on this, let's not get tied up in knots [how clever, get it?]. We wanted to accomodate the press, allow (Clinton) greet voters (sic.) And allow the press to be right there in the parade with her, as opposed to preset locations."

So now the press, because of their ire, are considered to be GOP? Wow, that spin on the truth makes an atomic centrifuge look like a Victrola. They are the mainstream press, and by definition, they are in the bag for the bag. The GOP wishes they had their support like Hillary does.

In spite of the fact that the press usually sides with Hillary, it looked pretty bad to see how she was shielded from reporters as a public figure. Everything about her is a secret and has a slimy edge to it.

Politico reporter Glenn Thrush tweeted: "Never underestimate @HillaryClinton's capacity to fritter away natural advantages with poor judgement."

This isn't the first time the Clinton campaign censored the rights of journalists to question her--a reporter was denied access to a campaign event because, in the past, he actually asked a challenging question. Had he kissed Hillary's corpulent nether region, things may have gone differently for him.

But in spite of the inability of reporters to get in her face, at least one person heckled her about exactly what her accomplishments were as secretary of state before the Benghazi attack. She called for the heckler's execution but was denied when someone produced a pocket-size copy of the Constitution.

In spite of Hillary's unmerited popularity, her Democratic challenger, Bernie Sanders (Socialist-Vermont) has been drawing huge crowds hoping to hear his Seinfeld's "George Steinbrenner" imitation as he yammers on about making deals with ISIS.

You cannot begin to make this stuff up.

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