Friday, June 5, 2015

Marco Rubio needs to have his license revoked

The leftist paper New York Times reported that Marco Rubio, a GOP presidential candidate, along with his wife, have gotten a horde of traffic violations, 17 in all, over the past 20 years. OMG!!!

The Friday headline read: "Marco Rubio and His Wife Cited 17 Times for Traffic Infractions." The rag credits 3 separate "reporters" for the horrifying text that followed.

Of these 17 tickets, 4 were Marco's and 13 were Jeanette's, his wife. The Times hit piece left out that tidbit.

The hit piece did not compare Rubio's violations to those of Hillary Clinton, whose driver parked in a handicap zone while she was "listening" to the problems of the little people whose vote counts as much as those of the illegal aliens she would like to score.

A reporter at the Washington Free Beacon learned that the story by the Times was most certainly planted by the Democratic super PAC, American Bridge. This group is headed by David Brock--a guy whose credibility almost equals that of Bill Clinton after a night out on the town.

While opposition research is the norm before political elections, citing sources is also the norm. The Times has devolved into liner for cat-pans . . . used.

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