Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Anti-Semitism, the Koran, Sharia and Smart Jews

It's easy for bullies to go after the smallest kid in the playground; this allows them to feel tough, brave and superior. The reason they attack in the first place, however, often has to do with the sense of inferiority they feel about themselves and the envy they have for their victim. Of course, they will never admit it.

So envy and inferiority feelings may account for why there is such a high level of anti-Semitism in Europe today. 

But part of the reason for the hatred some have for the Jewish people can be explained by the teachings of Islam and the Muslims who follow it to the letter, (i.e., in an orthodox manner).

It has been about a year since four people were murdered at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. Since then, Jews have been killed in Paris and Copenhagen and there had been similar attacks several years prior to that. 

Killing Jews is not a new phenomenon any more than attempting to kill freedom of speech is new. The former began in earnest back in the days when Mohammad humped across the desert with his band of merry jihadists around Medina. The latter has been done since tyrants walked the earth and continue to bully people to this day. We see it in all Islamic theocracies and countries like Russia where criticizing Putin can be suicidal.

According to Moshe Kantor, chief of the European Jewish Congress, Islamic jihad in Europe does not discriminate solely against the Jewish community. "Islamic extremists see European democracy and freedom as their primary enemy. However, Jews remain on the frontlines," he said.

Kantor believes that more attacks in Europe are likely when jihadists return home from Middle East fighting, and to date, several thousand European nationals have joined jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria.

So what is this "envy" all about?

It began when Mohammad attempted to get a Jewish tribe to join his so-called religion. He tried convincing the rabbis that his religion is superior to theirs but they weren't buying his sales pitch because they saw through his narcissistic self-promotion. "Prophet, indeed," they thought (in Hebrew).

This angered the Prophet of Islam, the main guy, the dude who somehow couldn't read or write yet found his way into the Koran, the holy book of Allah, (written even before writing was being done and certainly before Mohammad was born).

After that, the Koran began telling how the Jews were "apes and pigs," and even today there are Muslims who continue to refer to them as such. 

If Einstein, Benjamin Disraeli, Moses, Sigmund Freud, Jonas Salk, Robert Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, Gustav Mahler, Baruch de Spinoza, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jesus were apes, what does that make of Ayatollah Khomeini and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? What does it make of Mohammad, a warrior and a pedophile who founded a warrior religion with himself at the center?

The proportion of Jews with IQ's of 140 and above is about six times the proportion of any other ethnic group. While they comprise about 0.2% of the world's population, they have won 29% of the Nobel Prizes in literature, medicine, physics and chemistry after 1950. Now in the 21st century, they comprise 32% of Nobel prizes--almost exclusively male Jews mostly of Western European ancestry (less than one-tenth of one percent of the world's population), and they've done this in spite of anti-Semitism, blatant and pervasive discrimination, legal barriers, ongoing and frequent persecution and the Holocaust. 

In 1954, 28 New York City students in the public school system had IQ's of 170 or higher. Of the 28 students, 24 of them were Jewish.

Maybe anti-Semitism is caused by envy or maybe it's pure hatred that has been ingrained in people through religion. 

In the words of another Jew, a man who had won a Nobel Prize in Physics:
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." Steven Weinberg 

 Both Christianity and Judaism have come quite far over the centuries.Jewish fathers do not stone their daughters if they lose their virginity prior to marriage. Christians no longer fight in the Crusades. Both religions are religions of peace.

But Islam needs to unstick itself from the Seventh Century and Sharia law. They have no claim on being a religion of peace because their definition of peace only occurs when there is nobody left to fight.

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