Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rep. Hastings (D-Fla.) Shows His True Self, and it's Ugly

Repugnant Alcee Hastings (Dummy-Fla.) said Monday that Texas is a "crazy state," and added that he never wants to live there. He also said that his own state, Florida, is becoming crazy. 

This got Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) appropriately riled up during a House Rules Committee meeting to prepare a bill scheduled for a vote today regarding the repeal of Obamacare.

Hastings was angry that Texas did not want to participate in the screwed-up health care exchanges and his anger was displayed in his unpatriotic feelings toward the second largest state in the union. Mr. Hastings is yet another liberal Obama toady who hates our country and has designs on changing it to a welfare state, like the leader of our country, Valerie Jarrett, has designs on doing.

"I don't know about in your state, which I think is a crazy state to begin with," Hastings said to Burgess.

"The gentleman made a very defamatory statement about my state, and I will not stand here and listen to it," Burgess responded. "As a member of Congress, I'm used to attacks and invective being tossed my way; that's part of the territory. But there is no reason at all to impugn the people, the governor of a state of this country, and I will await the gentleman's apology."

But like Obama, Hastings refused to admit his error in judgment and his abject stupidity. It is never smart to put down an entire state of Americans, some of whom foolishly voted for his party, but Hastings will probably not be attending any Mensa meetings anytime soon.

Hastings is a disrespectful fool. Whatever one's feelings are about political issues, you don't attack an entire group of people over it. That would be like me saying that anyone who voted for Obama the second time is an idiot and needs to have his head examined.

Not that it isn't true.

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