Friday, January 30, 2015

Sunnis Killing Shi'tes Killing Infidels, Killing, Killing

Islamabad (as opposed to Islamagood) Pakistan -- a Shi'ite mosque in southern Pakistan was bombed. The death toll was 56 and 31  were wounded, during Friday prayers. As you may know, all Islamic prayers began with Al Fatiha, a prayer which praises Allah and concludes with: 

"Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have received your grace; not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray."

Al Fatiha, because it starts off each sura, is recited a minimum of 17 times a day. In the prayer, the people who are referred to as "those who have brought down wrath" [from Allah] are the Jews. And "those who wander astray" are the Christians.

Last month, 150 people, mostly children, were killed at a Peshawar school. The school, like the mosque, was Shi'ite, and the terrorists were Sunni, a group called Jundullah claiming responsibility.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the violence, calling it a suicide bombing, but the cause is still under investigation. It may have been a planted bomb to ensure that no Islamic terrorists were hurt in making this latest attack.

Fahad Mahsud, a Jundallah terrorist group spokes-scum, claimed responsibility for the attack in a phone call to the Associated Press, but he provided no details as to how the bombing was carried out. His mother must be proud of him, along with the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, for working for such a prestigious terrorist organization.

You see, insofar as Sunnis are concerned, Shi'ites are infidels. Insofar as Shi'ites are concerned, Sunnis are infidels. The rest of the world, to both Sunni and Shi'ites, are infidels. Every Muslim of either belief is supposed to kill everyone else. Pretty screwed up, isn't it?

Shi'ites make up about 15% of Pakistan's population, but the Sunnis don't consider them true Muslims. The division dates back to the death of Mohammed and the question as to who was to take over the leadership of the Muslim nation. The Sunnis believed the leadership should go to Mo's comrades in war, and the new dude in charge should be elected among the best warrior-terrorists. Abu Bakr became the first Caliph. (This name should sound familiar--Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi head of ISIS took the name.) 

But there was another group of Muslims who believed the leader should come from Mo's own family, among those specifically appointed by him, or among imams appointed by God herself. (Just kidding--Muslims would never think that God could be a female--they see women as inferior, generally more evil than men, and stupid as goats, which sometimes became a dilemma of choice.)

So the Shia Muslims think that once Mohammed died, the leadership should have been given to his cousin/son-in-law, Ali bin Abu Talib. Thus, all through Islamic history, Shi'ites have not recognized elected Muslim leaders but chose to follow the lineage of imams they thought Mo, or God (same-old, same-old) had appointed. In fact, the word "Shia" in Arabic means a group or supportive party of people, and the term has been shortened from "Shia-t-Ali" or "the Party of Ali."

All-in-all, it's hard to imagine any group, other than their own, that Sunnis or Shi'ites like. If you're not one of them, then you're viewed as an infidel, deserving of the fires of hell, and the more orthodox of both groups would be happy to send you on your way to Jahannam ASAP.

So it's no surprise that Sunni Muslims bombed a Shi'ite mosque, or that both Islamic groups hate Jews and Christians as much as they hate each other. Well, they both really, really hate Jews. They hate Christians slightly less, and are patiently willing to kill them last.

It's quite sad that innocent people have been killed in the name of religion. But make no mistake, this is the reason terrorism exists. 
"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil--that takes religion." --Steven Weinberg
I agree with Weinberg in general, but disagree with the notion that all religions can make us do evil. Today, this premise fits best with the one religion that's doing most of the killing of those who do not follow it: Islam. 

I don't see any Amish, Jains, Hindus, Jews or Methodists blowing up schools, killing innocent people, or praying for the demise of those from religions that differ from theirs. Yes, some scripture may sound barbaric, but the only scripture that's being followed in such an orthodox manner is "the religion of peace." What a horrible joke.

Islam is far from being a religion of peace. Read the Koran, you'll see.

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