Thursday, January 1, 2015

PA Cops Shoot a Man Who Tried to Kill Them With His Car

Police in a suburb of Philadelphia attempted to arrest a man for making threats against law enforcement and when they attempted to bring him in, he pulled a Michael Brown and attacked the police with his vehicle.

The man was identified as Joseph Pacini, 52, of Clifton Heights, PA. Pacini posted a video on social media threatening to kill cops and FBI agents so a warrant was issued to the police for his arrest. A SWAT team was on their way to his apartment to serve the warrant when he departed his place at 4 pm local time and got into his car.

Officers stopped Pacini at an intersection in town, ordered him out of his car but instead of complying, he backed into the Clifton Heights police chief's car and then tried to run over other officers.

Like Officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown incident, this did not sit well with the police. For some reason police believe that their lives are worth as much as anyone else's. So to save themselves, they had to stop Pacini from killing them. 

Five officers fired at the idiot and they hit their mark. Joseph Pacini was killed and no officers were hurt in the incident.

If Joseph Pacini was a black man I wouldn't have to tell you about this--Al Sharptongue would be all over this incident like a fly on feces. 

But that gives fecal foraging flies a bad name.

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