Monday, December 15, 2014

When Presidents Go Bad

Our so-called president has freed more Islamic jihadists from Gitmo and is sending them to Uruguay, a Marxist country run by people just like the people Obama freed.

The president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica, was a Marxist terrorist in his own right, and he is more than delighted to welcome his fellow scumbags to his country--they go well with the curtains.

Mostly all the prisoners Obama freed are rated high risk to the West and, of course, Israel. Short of a candlestick maker, we have among this group, a suicide bomber, his buddy the bomb-maker, a trained terrorist in mortars and rocket propelled grenades, and a document forger to help them all visit wherever they'd like to go in the world. Maybe they'll be coming to your neighborhood, but Obama doesn't care.

The only gift Obama did not give ISIS, Hamas and Al Qaeda, was a nice Christmas card to go along with these gifts--gifts that keep on killing.

One scumbag, Mohammed (imagine that) Tahanmatan is a Hamas terrorist. He made it very clear to us in Gitmo that he hates us, Jews, Christians, hypocritical Muslims, apple pie and Chevrolet. A hypocritical Muslim is one who refuses to wage jihad on all infidels, thus making him an infidel. These hypocritical Muslims are worse than infidels, however, but not quite as bad as Jews, says the religion of peace spokes-cretin.

But Tahanmatan is a pussycat compared to the others who were released by our seditious, so-called president.

Seriously, Obama needs to go.

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