Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Obama's Love Affair with the Muslim Brotherhood

In an article by Jihad Watch it states that the Obama administration refuses to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. 

Big surprise.

Obama finally responded to a petition that began over a year ago stating "We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence."

Well, duh, of course not. This is totally in line with the Islamic tactic called taqiyya where it is perfectly acceptable, and expected that Muslims lie in order to further the advancement of Islam. So while the leaders of the MB smile and stick out an oily hand in friendship, their goals are the same as ISIS, Hamas, and jihadist organizations throughout the world. Just because the MB doesn't make YouTube beheading videos does not mean they are not in line with the vermin who do.

Think about this: if today was September 12, 2001 instead of December 2, 2014, and Obama was president (G_d forbid), there would be no doubt that Hussein Obama would declare them terrorists. That's because everything, everything Obama does is for political gain, not for national or patriotic reasons.

As a nation, we've done very well in our history. We are without doubt, the best nation on earth, in my opinion. But electing this racially dividing, Alinsky-loving, Islam-sympathizing, Israeli-hating, socialist to our highest office has been our biggest mistake.

And I'm being kind in my description of this arrogant narcissist who thinks he's a damn monarch of the United States.

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