Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thank a Vet, Tweak a Liberal

I hope everyone has a good Veteran's Day today.  Well, except perhaps not so much for Bowe Bergdahl and "Chelsea" Manning. I hear that Chelsea is putting in for a Lipstick Request because "she" doesn't want to have to pay for it "herself" out of the money "she" earns making Diplomat license plates and would rather have we taxpayers foot the bill. At least we don't have to pay for "her" birth control, so tough bullets to you, Sandra Fluke (pronounced 'Fluck').

Remember, Chelsea, being gay doesn't excuse treason. They should have hung you for that.

I listened to a little of Joe-the-Village-Idiot-Biden's speech today. Some of it was lost due to technical difficulties but I believe I was able to get the gist of it: "Will the banner yet wave?" hither and thither and yon.

But you have to give Joe credit for belting out the words .  .  .  over and over. He actually sounds patriotic and perhaps he is. Like Obama, Biden wants what he thinks is best for the country. It doesn't matter that what he and Obama really want is a form of socialism that has proven time and again to not work, it only matters that he has good intentions.

Good intentions get pretty worn out and old when the people with those good intentions have absolutely no clue of the reality those good intentions would bring about. Look at Communism and the hundred million deaths it has been responsible for over time.

And if Karl Marx is your role model, please take a bath and use soap in spite of who you look up to. Oh, and feed your own children--it's your responsibility, not "the collective."

Every year we honor veterans. For those on the left, it's an act. They have cut military spending to a dangerous level. They send a minimum of ground forces into war zones to ensure our military impotence; they make disrespectful remarks that are carried on websites like Salon and Huffington Post.

If those on the left like socialism so much, how come they never move to socialist countries? 

Obama is in China and in China they are mocking him. In Russia, Putin laughs at him and does what he wants to do in Ukraine and Crimea. I wonder what's next for Vlady.

So please, in spite of my dour words, have a good, no a great Veteran's Day and be sure to thank a vet if you see one.

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