Monday, February 17, 2014

Sebelius Strong Arming

As you know, the Obamacare roll-out has been as successful as Solyndra and getting answers about Benghazi. Obama's minions are under the gun and this is especially true for Kathleen Sebelius, the figurehead of HHS, or as it's laughingly called, Health and Human Services.

Sebelius is refusing to answer the question as to whether or not she's still going around to companies with her hand out to support this chameleon law, a law that has been "tweaked" (as opposed to twerked) over 30 times. Of course, this is unconstitutional, but the Constitution is an old document, according to Obama and many leftists of late.

The problem is serious. The HHS is the regulator of Johnson & Johnson, a company held by the Robert Wood Johnson company. Sebelius is going to this company asking them for money--a company she can make trouble for via an HHS audit--and it places them in a peculiar situation. Worse, it's illegal for Sebelius to do it in the first place because it's an obvious conflict of interest. It isn't like other instruments of government have tried to make trouble for conservative groups, right? Oh wait, I forgot about the IRS and what they are doing with the Tea Party organizations applying for 501(c) 3 status; after years, they're still waiting while all of the Democratic affiliated organizations got their status. 

But I digress.

We all know Obamacare is a mess; Sebelius has a big load on her plate (picture what I'm saying here) and now she even has to defend why Obamacare enrollees have no avenue of appeal regarding unfavorable health care determinations. Maybe the administration will say "It only impacts a very small portion of the huge population enrolled in the program," implying that 22,000 people don't count all that much, but it also shows a lack of clarity in the planning of this "law." 

I watch Fox News and I hear a lot of Republicans complaining. That seems to be our national sport. What are we going to do about it, our lawmakers, that is? It's time to do something about this lawless president but congress needs to act.

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