Saturday, February 15, 2014

Obama's New Hitmen

The Obama administration (or regime, take your pick), is now using the IRS for political purposes. He is now using this already messed up branch of government to oversee businesses. Companies must now swear that if they lay off any workers that  they are not doing it due to Obamacare. Of course, this comes to us by the man who would be king.

In a country that has become great because of our freedoms and free enterprise, this administration is looking to impose itself into what used to be the free market by dictating what a company can and cannot do in order to ensure its own survival. The purpose of the employer mandate the administration released on February 10th was to make the compliance process easier for employers. The 227 page document had a requirement, hidden on pages 125-126 where employers had to swear, under penalty of perjury, that they haven't scaled down the number of employees or cut back hours to protect themselves from the costs of Obamacare.

The IRS is already under investigation (albeit by a big Obama campaign donor) for its unlawful practice of political bias toward the left, and now the left wants the IRS to come down hard on employers to do business their way. It's going to hurt them and perhaps destroy them, but it seems that Obama doesn't give a rat's butt--his signature legislation is more important than the people it supposedly was written to serve.

A significant percentage of America doesn't want Obamacare. Insofar as the "Affordable Care Act" is concerned, it is neither affordable and the government doesn't really care. The only accurate thing is that it is an act, one perpetrated on the American people.

Maybe it's time for all of us to write to our representatives and tell them how we feel. Mine, unfortunately, is Chuck "Mega-Nostrils" Schumer. He makes Karl Marx look like Rand Paul. But perhaps your senators and representatives will realize what a disaster Obamacare is.

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