Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lying Liars

It's estimated that over 136,000 people have died since the Syrian revolution began in 2011. Assad still hasn't turned over his stash of chemical weapons and when Jay Carney was confronted about this by Ed Henry of Fox News, Carney admitted that Assad has certainly "blown some deadlines."

So, while Assad has blown some deadlines, we have Jay Carney blowing some smoke in places where smoke should not be blown. 

Can you recall the last time Carney has actually answered a question directly, factually, and honestly? I honestly cannot. The same goes for Obama and his entire administration.

It has reached a point in American society where political honesty is as rare as a 3-legged buffalo nickel. Of course, there will always be those who will believe anything their party leader says because if it's spoken by a party leader, it must be true. This tends to hold more for liberals than conservatives, I believe; but I know conservatives can be gullible too.

We need to be proactive about doing something with Assad's regime and not pretending that we are--especially where our national security is involved. The same holds true with Iran. But this is what you get when you have a weak leader who talks a good game, but doesn't really know how to play it.

Wake up.

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