Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let's Not Hold onto Holder

Why isn't anyone doing anything about Eric Holder and his refusal to uphold the Constitution? After all, that's his job and what he swore he would do. He didn't swear to uphold parts of it, especially those parts that the president also agrees to uphold. He agreed to uphold all of it. Sorry, but you don't get to choose, and you don't get to change the law to suit your purposes. Who does Eric Holder think he is, President Obama? Oh, wait--Obama made the same promise.

Holder is openly telling state political leaders to do their own interpreting of the law, especially when it comes to gays, lesbians, men who try to become women by having their penis surgically removed and changed to look like a woman's vagina, and women who do the opposite and try to become guys. Holder also supports the unions of people who aren't sure what gender they belong to and refuse to get tested. We are what we are born with--it's genetics.

Same sex marriage is the new chic (it used to be  having sex with your intern) and equating that legislation to the civil rights movement is an affront to those who actually marched, died, or were otherwise affected by it. 

But nothing is too dramatic for liberals. Kumbayah, my oil-hating, tree-loving, America-bashing socialist vegan friends. They will defend Holder and others like him, just as long as their political views match, and in spite of the methods of instigating them on us.

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