Saturday, February 22, 2014

FCC Walks it Back, Sort Of

Imagine the conversation: "Don't worry, the reason we're doing this is to put Fox News and those right wing nut bloggers in their place. You can do exactly what you've been doing--the President has no problem with that." 

That might have been the conversation between the FCC with CBS, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and the New York Times. (You know them: "All the news that's fit to print. ") At least that's a good possibility since none of these "news" media told the story of how the FCC wanted to do a "study" about how the news is gathered. I wrote about this in my previous entry.

When James Rosen was investigated by the Obama administration, these media giants spoke out against it because they saw the real possibility that they could be next. But now they say nothing, acting deaf and dumb (i.e. stupid) about this obvious disregard of the First Amendment. They would have a lot to lose, unless they were told they didn't.

In my memory, I cannot recall any other president who has spoken out against a particular news agency (Fox) the way Barack Hussein Obama has. I may be wrong and if I am, please let me know in a comment. Obama hates Fox News as much as he hates all criticism.

Well, due to the reporting of Fox and the big conservative blogs (I'd like to think this blog falls in that category but you need to follow me to make that happen, patriots) the FCC has backed away from their plan  to invade the newsrooms and will simply continue to "study" the way they gather their news instead. This sounds too Obama-esque for my liking. I don't trust them.

By the way, the FCC is only supposed to regulate and license electronic media, not paper media like the Times. Why isn't anyone addressing this power grab? 

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