Monday, January 13, 2014

You Wanna Bet Lynne Stewart Sticks Around for Years?

Judge John Koeltl, a Bill Clinton appointee, has allowed Lynne Irene Stewart to go free from prison. Stewart, the 74 year old disbarred attorney was convicted on charges of conspiracy and providing material support to terrorists.

 Koeltl sentenced her to 28 months in prison and her felony conviction led to the disbarring when she was found guilty of passing messages from Omar Abdel-Rahman, better known as the Blind Sheikh. Rahman, you may recall, is an Egyptian cleric convicted of planning terror attacks, including the bombing of the World Trade Center.  His organization, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, was responsible for the Luxor Massacre, which killed 58 tourists and 4 Egyptian policemen on November 17, 1997. In the attack, a 5 year old British child was killed, 4 Japanese couples on their honeymoons, and others from different nations. The killing went on for 45 minutes and the bodies were mutilated, particularly the women. It was brutal and barbaric. (The word barbaric comes from the Barbary Coast where the US Navy fought the Barbary pirates, who, coincidentally, were Muslim.)

The United States designated al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, and this is likely what attracted Lynne Stewart to defend the Blind Sheikh. (An aside: last year, when Mohamed Morsi was in power in Egypt, he appointed Adel Mohamed al-Khayat, one of the leaders of al-Gama'a to be governor of the same region where the Luxor Massacre took place. And they say the Muslim Brotherhood is peaceful.) 

While Koeltl gave her an extremely light sentence, it turns out that on July 15th, 2010, she was re-sentenced to 10 years in prison in light of her perjury trial. But remember, even 10 years is only a third of what she could have received if Obama wasn't president and a real patriot ran the nation. Stewart was sent to Federal Medical Center, Carswell, in Fort Worth, Texas.

Unfortunately, Lynne Stewart was released from prison on December 31, 2013 by Koeltl, the same "judge" who originally sentenced her. Koeltl's order states that Stewart's "terminal medical condition and very limited life expectancy constitute extraordinary and compelling reasons that warrant the requested reduction." Upon her release, Stewart told her leftist fans that she was now ready to party.

So who is Stewart really? Well, in 1991 she was subpoenaed regarding alternative fee arrangements with a gang member she was representing on a drug trafficking charge. She refused the subpoena, plead guilty to second degree criminal contempt, but since it was only a misdemeanor, she was not disbarred. 

Prior to the 1991 misdemeanor, she represented Willie Holder, a Black Panther who hijacked Western Airlines Flight 701 on June 2, 1972. Willie was simply trying to negotiate the release of Angela Davis, a cop-killer. 

Stewart had a thing for cop-killers. She, along with William Kunstler, represented Larry Davis, a man who had been charged with the attempted murder of 9 NYPD officers during a shootout. Larry was also up on charges for the murder of 4 Bronx drug dealers. There was no end to the injustices she saw in the court system.

She has forgotten these people, however
In an article by Dan Fein of The Militant, January 20, 2014 Vol. 78/No.2 (yes, that date hasn't arrived yet), entitled "Framed-up, jailed lawyer Lynne Stewart wins release," the author describes how Stewart was welcomed home by dozens of supporters and family.

“I won’t forget them,” Stewart said of fellow inmates at the Carswell Federal Medical Center prison in Fort Worth, Texas. “That’s where I’m headed. I’m going to work for women prisoners’ groups and for political prisoners.”

Just for the record, Dan Fein should not be referring to Stewart as a lawyer--she was disbarred. He should be referring to her as an ex-con, or a traitor who gave aid to terrorists who have killed innocent people for their perverted religion. The left sees people like Stewart as heroes because they validate their anti-American, blame America first beliefs. They are not heroes; they are

I don't believe that Stewart is in the throes of death. I think she's going to be around longer than Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, of earlier terrorist fame. He was the Islamist who killed  259 innocents over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. He was released in 2009 for "compassionate reasons," claiming he had only a few months to live. He lived for 2 years and 9 months more. That's a hell of a lot more heartbeats than he gave those aboard Pan Am Flight 103.

What do you think? Please feel free to comment.

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