Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Abu Anus al Libi Does the Big Apple

Abu Anas al Libi--say that three times fast and pull the pin on a suicide vest. But seriously, do Muslim leaders ever wear a suicide vest themselves? Hardly. To wear a suicide vest would mean dressing to the 72's; (that's the virgin allotment jihadists get for blowing themselves to bits). Islamic leaders don't want to blow themselves up--they know where they're going--they want other people to join that jihadist group they call the Smithereens. 

Anyway, Abu (his close friends call him "Bubu" while those who despise him refer to him as "Anus") spent some time on a Navy ship where he was asked a few questions about his knowledge of al Qaeda, the best beheading techniques, and Jewish recipes. I'm sure he cooperated with his captors and told them what they needed to know. His friends and neighbors say he was a quiet guy, kept to himself and never made any trouble. They were all surprised to learn of his 1998 shenanigans where he allegedly bombed US embassies in Africa--he claimed that he was just doing what that other guy, Bill Ayers did, and Ayers is friends with Barack Hussein Obama, the non-Muslim president.

Now Bubu is in the Big Apple where he has a lawyer, or perhaps a team of liberals lawyers.   In spite of the fact that he isn't an American, we are generously giving him all the rights of an American receives from the US Constitution. That's more than we can say about Americans getting those rights when it comes to Obamacare. I wonder if Bubu will get a chance for a slice of Ray's Pizza--it's the best you can get in Manhattan.

Why we are trying Bubu in New York City and giving him the rights an American citizen gets, when his goal in life is to kill as many of us as he can? This is the ultimate mystery if you're not a liberal. It's the same sort of mystery that comes to mind when you think about why we have  the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House, or why the guy in the White House closed the World War II Memorial and Vietnam Memorial to veterans of these wars.

The one thing that's clear to me is that Obama despises America as it has been in an historical sense. But he loves his idea of America: a socialist dictatorship run by a community organizer who believes the USA is comprised of 57 states. It makes one wonder where he went to school. Kenya?

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