Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Make Believe Congressional Ploy & Political Poppycock

Moe, Larry & Curly
Well they are going to be voting in the Senate on whether the United States should fire a shot across Syria's bow--if Syria actually had a bow. The President is livid about the use of chemical weapons by Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian dictator who Obama believes is responsible for the atrocity that killed over 400 people. He is a bit ticked off too, about the 100,000 other Syrians who were blown to kingdom come by rockets, RPGs and whatever else the regime used against the rebels, many of whom are al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, and other assorted Allahu Akbar screaming fanatics who would gladly welcome the total destruction of the United States of America. But that's neither here nor there. 

Syrians, particularly those Syrians who love life more than other Syrians love death, are leaving Syria in droves. Even Ali Habib, the regime's Defense Minister, has split for Turkey, leaving the Ass-man with a hole in his defenses. One can only wonder why Obama is more upset with the 400 dead by chemical weapons than the 100 thousand others. Does it really matter how the child was killed? Even some liberals are wondering if maybe this is what hypocrisy looks like.

It seemed like yesterday's meeting with the Senate was more for show than for results. If Obama is only going to abide by their decision if it agrees with his decision, that too is what hypocrisy looks like.
She never lets him out of her sight

When the UN Security Council goes against Obama's bellicose decision and he still stands behind it, rather than allowing the UN to dictate US policy like he normally would welcome, you can bet your Cruise missiles that he means business. When the NATO Alliance refuses to go along with Obama but instead agrees to adhere to the UN decision to stand down, and Obama still wants to go ahead, you can be sure this is more about Obama than it is about killing people with chemical weapons rather than ballistic weapons. Why else would he go ahead without the intention of changing the regime and even attack in a week or even a month, as he said? He sure isn't treating Assad's use of chemical weapons that are killing innocent children like it's an emergency--in thirty days a lot of children and others could be killed--he's treating it like politics.

Yesterday Rand Paul reminded Kerry that even if the Senate rejects Obama's use of intervention, the president would still go forward. Kerry could not deny this. Paul correctly stated that this use of the Senate was a meaningless waste of time and, in his view, would be unconstitutional if Obama went ahead without their approval.

Jeff Duncan, (R-SC) just attacked Kerry by calling the Syrian situation a distraction away from Benghazi. Of course, he's absolutely correct, but we're not supposed to believe that a president of the United States would ever not pursue justice in the FUBAR that is Benghazi. Kerry pulled rank on him.

Finally, Obama is saying that he didn't say there was a red line regarding chemical weapons; the world said it, he lied. If you believe that he didn't make the challenge to Assad, then you must believe chickens have lips and snakes have hips.

ADDENDUM: This just in--the US Senate has just voted to give Obama authorization to intervene on Obama's behalf (or however you want to put it).

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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