Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Religion of Tolerance, Peace, Hijab's and Exploding Vests

"Kill 'em wherever you find 'em." It's such a pleasant religion, the religion of Islam. They are so tolerant and respectful of all other religions and lifestyles, that people like me who refuse to convert don't know what we're missing. Let me quote a couple of gems from the Hadith and the good book of Islam; the beautiful, holy, indisputably wonderful, bestest of anything ever written on the planet, Koran. This book was actually written by Allah, the moon god of the pagans, at the beginning of time, or, in other words, before there were even books invented. The knowledge of the Koran is extensive because the moon god knows his stuff--hell, he invented all the stuff there is in this world and universe, so if anyone knows about stuff, it's Allah. I just wish old Allah would have made life a little easier on Muhammad and his followers by telling him how to generate electricity, and the fact that at the end of time, he was kidding when he said all the stars in the heavens will fall into a pool of water on the earth, because Allah knows how freaking big stars can be. 

The Fatiha, (Opening) prayer that is prayed five times a day by devout Muslims. The final two verses are so beautiful that I must quote them: "Show us the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast favored; not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray." Of course, the straight path is that of Islam and those who have earned Allah's anger are the Jews, while those who have gone astray are the Christians. 

One of the big Islamic dudes, Ibn Kathir, talks about the two misguided paths by adding that these two paths "are the paths of the Christians and Jews, a fact that the believer should be aware of so that he avoids them. The path of the believers is knowledge of the truth and abiding by it. In comparison, the Jews abandoned practicing the religion, while the Christians lost the true knowledge. This is why "anger" descended upon the Jews, while being described as "led astray" is more appropriate of the Christians. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol 1, p. 87).

But who the heck was Ibn Kathir anyway? Just one of the foremost Islamic scholars of all time, and the "go-to guy" when Muslims aren't sure which way to slice a man open: "Is it left to right or right to left?"

Lest you think that Islam is just a silly desert religion that has nothing to do with reality, let's delve into the wonderment of the Hadith and see how scientific it was even then in the 7th Century:
"The Prophet used to deliver his Khutba (religious blather) while standing beside a trunk of a date-palm. When he had a pulpit made, he used it instead. The tree trunk started crying and the Prophet went to it, rubbing his hand over it (to stop the crying). (Bukhari, Sahih al- Bukhari, vol. 4, book 61, no. 3583.) It is said, that the expression, "going wood" came from this holier than thou verse. 
What's not to love about these guys

Important Note: some Islamists will cite parts of the Koran that talk about "no compulsion in religion," yadda yadda yadda. They will talk about how peaceful Islam is, and how accepting they are, even of the Jews. But this part of the Koran is from the time Muhammad was in Mecca, when he had only a few dozen followers and his army was weak. When he finally made his way to Medina, he had about 10 thousand killer beards to do his dirty work, and the Medina Koran was a hell of a lot less accepting of infidels. And to make matters worse, there was this little thing about abrogation that said something to the effect that whatever was written in the Koran before and is changed later, it is the later words that abrogate the earlier ones. Gee, if the Koran was the perfect book why didn't old Allah get it right the first time? But enough of my thinking on virtual paper for now.

There will be more to follow in future posts, but if you're interested in a novel about Islam, the Koran, and terrorism, my novel, Jihad Joe may interest you. I'll post the links below. 

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