Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Flushings of the Day

Killed for the fun of it
I wonder what Al Sharpton does when blacks aren't being killed by white people. I wonder if he ever thinks about Tawana Brawley and the six white men she falsely accused of raping her. Does he ever think of Steven Pagones who was awarded $345 thousand for being falsely accused? And does he ever think of the Australian, Yankel Rosenbaum, an Hasidic Jew that was murdered at a riot Sharpton encouraged? Probably not, based on his overt anti-Semitic remarks. But MSNBC knew who he was when they hired him.

A 22 year old Australian baseball player, Chris Lane, was killed by two young men while he was out jogging. A third youth was booked as an accessory to the crime. Two of the youths, the ones being held for the actual shooting, are black.  After they were caught, the teens admitted that they killed Lane out of boredom and they thought it would be fun. Maybe their X-Boxes were broken, or there was nothing on TV, or their Internet was out and they couldn't get onto Facebook.  Liberals will surely blame the killing on gun control simply to support their political agenda, rather than blame the social decay and erosion of family values we see in this country. If Al Sharpton had a son, he would look like one of those two guys.

Nobody in the Middle East wants Israel to exist, and although Israel is our ally, as far as Obama's behavior seems to say, they are on their own. With Russia schmoozing Egypt's military, and Obama too busy playing golf to give them the time of day, Israel is increasingly more at risk of attack by factions of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama won't send aid to Egypt's General el Sisi and he won't call the takeover a coup, which is just an indication of how he refuses to take a stand.

In Syria, there is evidence (again, for the 13th time) that chemical weapons are being used against the people. Obama said last year, that if this "line is crossed, there will be consequences," but Obama refuses to actually do anything once again except to get Jen Psaki to say that we've expanded our aid to the Syrians rebels.  She refused to go into details about the extend of that aid, as well as the type of aid, and remarkably, she was able to report this with a smile while over 100 thousand Syrians have died. We have become a paper tiger in the eyes of the world. Jen Psaki has as much credibility as the Hasan trial being about workplace violence, and as much arrogance as an Iranian Ayatollah. 

Bradley Manning, 25, got 35 years in the brig for revealing more classified documents than Obamacare regulations. I thought he should have gotten 89 years, one year less than the maximum, just so he could feel that we were being more than fair. I hope that his shorter-than-I-would-have- given-him sentence sends a clear message to traitors. And if you want to blow a whistle, do it the right way and go through the channels available that would keep secret information out of the hands of our enemies. My one question about Manning is: will the government allow him to use the Brig's ladies facilities if he "feels the need"?

Nidal Hasan, having a terrorist pig as a lawyer, did not call himself as a witness. His only words today were, "The defense rests." Some people speculate that Hasan wants to be put to death so that he can die a martyr. I say that we should put him to death so that he can die and be dead. Whenever a jihadist dies, they consider him or her or the child they strapped the bomb to, a martyr. Who cares if Hasan is a martyr?  I just wish they could shoot him the way he shot those helpless individuals at Fort Hood. But they never shoot people or behead them simply for workplace violence. I wonder what they're going to do with the Boston Marathon Bomber puke--will they call it Sports Place Violence and the wounded said to have "sports injuries?"

Finally, today's blog is probably being read by the NSA. If so, I would ask the good agents of this wonderful government agency to click onto some of my advertisers as this helps keep my blog going and helps defray the cost that Obamacare will inflict upon me. Thank you for your understanding. Now I need to go make a phone call on my Verizon Wireless.  

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