Saturday, June 29, 2013

Liberal Logic

Isn't it interesting how the Democrats are against probing deeper into the IRS scandals while the GOP is champing at the bit to do just that? First they claim that liberal or progressive groups were treated the same as tea party and other conservative groups--that is, they were also targeted by the IRS. And somehow, if this were true that would make it okay with them. So, as long as the IRS unfairly targets Americans, as long as it doesn't discriminate any particular group of American, it's okay.

Liberal logic.

Now liberals want to tax guns and ammo (sounds like a great name for a magazine). Some states want to actually impose a 50% tax on ammo, and some put a 5 cent tax on every round one buys for their weapon, and they want to impose steep taxes on guns and other small arms. They believe by making the cost of owning a gun prohibitive, this will keep people from buying firearms. And once the average American cannot afford a firearm, only the bad guys and cops and military will be able to shoot us.

Liberal logic.

President Obama wants to declare the war on terror over. We need to change the way we view terrorism. The behaviors of the past have cause our 9-11s, our Benghazis, our Beiruts and USS Coles. It's our behavior, not theirs. It's our fault they attacked us on 9-11 because we have Israel as an ally and we don't kill our Christians and Jews in America. They attacked us because of how we've been the world's colonialists. It's our fault they hate us and it has nothing to do with all the Suras in their holy book that tells them to hate everyone who doesn't believe in Allah, the Moon god, or Mohammad, the Moon god's prophet.

Liberal logic.

Planned Parenthood has aborted more American babies since its establishment than all our wars combined. Yet liberals tout the sanctity of life when it comes to their desire to abolish the death penalty for people who do the same thing to others. The main difference is that the young Americans may only be in the second or third trimester while the older Americans may be in their hundredth or more. It's the math that separates them if you really think about it.

Liberal Logic.

So you see the pattern here, and hopefully you recognize the suicidal logic in liberal logic. It isn't logical at all--it's a fantasy that if we act nicely, they will also do the same. If we declare an end to the war on terror, the terrorists will lay down their guns, rocket launchers, swords and suicide vests (yes, they're willing to blow themselves up to kill us, but if we talk nicely to them, they'll leave us in peace), and all will be well in the world. We need to discard stupid fantasies and show our strength and awesome power. This is the only thing they respect. Anything else is suicidal and stupid, Mr. President. In fact, it's as stupid as firing a shotgun in the air to scare away the miscreants of the world. 

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