Saturday, June 22, 2013

Jim McDermott, Useful Idiot

I have a dream. I believe if we can convince liberals like Senator Jim McDermott (Duh-WA) to stop talking before engaging their brains, we might actually have a foothold on combating terrorism more effectively in our country.
I Got Me an Obama Phone

The FBI has launched a bus ad campaign in Seattle to engage the public in helping fight terrorism. A bus advertisement containing the faces of 15 of the FBI's most wanted terrorists are displayed along the side of buses. All 15 are, can you believe, from the Middle East, and all hate everything the United States of America stands for, including all of the freedoms we take for granted in the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and all of these terrorists would gladly kill as many Westerners as they could, even if it meant killing themselves in the process. You see, for them it's their religious duty to do just that--if you don't believe me, read the Koran. I'm tired of quoting it and referencing the Suras that point out the need to subdue us, kill us, tax us, etc. Almost any page will show you something negative about how their god thinks.

But then we have liberals--we call them "useful idiots," because if they had their way, the flag of Islam would already be flying over the White House. (I secretly suspect that there is a president who might not object to that, but I'm not completely certain.) They praise Obama for allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to take over Egypt. They support Obama for arming Syrian rebels who just a few days ago beheaded a man and shot two women.  They're okay with his drone program just as long as he isn't George Bush.

Senator Jim McDermott, the same imbecile who attacked the tea party organizations for defending themselves against IRS targeting, said about the bus ads: "Terrorists come in all shape and sizes in this world. If you're gonna talk about terrorists, then don't just talk about people with brown skin. How many white faces were there on there?"

McDermott is correct. Terrorists come in all shapes and sizes in this world, but these were not examples of terrorists using models to show what they might look like; these were the actual scumbags who are trying to kill us. Of the 32 scumbags on the FBI's most wanted list of terrorists, only 6 were not of Middle Eastern descent. If there was a bus long enough to put all 32 faces along its side, McDermott would still say that "brown faces are over represented," because he's not about stopping terrorism; he's about pandering to a voting block. That's really what liberals do--in fact, that's what most politicians do. 

If liberals can't bring racism into the conversation, they lose the debate. Ironically, many Americans have bought into this Republicans are all old white racists, crap because the one thing liberals do better than we do is market ideas with talking points. The one thing the GOP does better than liberals is to tell them our game plans.

We cannot allow panderers like McDermott to get away with his nonsense. More importantly, we cannot continue to allow political correctness to run our policies the way it has been--it's stupid and it's suicidal.  

'Nuff said.

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