Saturday, April 27, 2013

Individuals Hell-Bent on Spreading Hell and Barry

Let's say that you are the leader of a land and there are a group of individuals that are hell-bent to kill your citizens. You want to protect these people because you are a good, kind and caring leader. A popular annual sporting event takes place where many thousands of people take to the streets to watch the athletes, but this year two of those individuals who are hell-bent to kill your citizens detonate two bombs that kill three people and injure many scores of bystanders.  Many have lost limbs, hearing and vision. They will be scarred for life.

Your dedicated law enforcement troops eventually find and shoots one of these individuals in a gun battle. His brother flees in a stolen car, dragging his brother fifty feet or more, finishing the job of killing him. Law enforcement eventually wounds and captures the other individual, and now you have the opportunity to find out whether there is more information that you can gather which may serve to prevent other individuals who, like these two, are hell-bent to kill your people. 

These individuals have been terrorizing your people and others around the world, for years. They wear no uniforms. In fact, they try to fit in and look like your people, dress the same way, shave their facial hair that is normally not done because they want to look like their prophet and maybe score a bunch of obedient wives as he did.  They are even willing to kill themselves in order to kill your people because to them, it is not death that happens when their vest bomb goes off and rips their bodies into pieces of meat that look anything but human--to them, it is eternal life in a place they call Jannah--paradise. This is a place where they can get 72 virgins, and even after having consummated their sexual lusts, these virgins once again become virgins. This is what they believe because their twisted scripture tells them so. And if you question their scripture, they might kill you.

So as leader of this land, what do you do about these individuals hell-bent on killing your people? If you are Barack Hussein Obama, you do nothing to point out why these individuals want to kill your people--this might upset those individuals and they might want to kill your people--wait, they already do, so why worry? Be honest. 

If you are Barack Hussein Obama, you never use certain words to offend them. Words like "terrorist" just sets them off on a random killing fest. You call them "freedom fighters." And what freedom are these freedom fighters fighting for? They fight for the right to rule your country and call the world their caliphate. They fight for the right to take away your rights and force you to pay them a tax, called a jizyah if you refuse to convert to their so-called religion. They fight for the right to kill you if you leave their religion or are gay, or commit adultery, or insult their concept of god--a god who hates Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims. 

And when they have taken over the world and only their god is the accepted one, only then will there be peace, and Islam will be the religion of peace.

So, Mr. President, do you really think it's wise to be politically correct or do you have a master plan you will not share with us?

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover       

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