Thursday, December 13, 2012

Banning All Weapons: Guns, Knives, Cars, Wit

If AR-15s were banned, the shooting in Portland, Oregon would never have happened with an AR-15.  If Chevy SUVs were banned, there would have been no honor killing of a young Muslim girl by her "dishonored" father by a Chevy SUV.  And if honor killers and other murderers only used Chevy Volts, President Obama would not have been re-elected, or maybe he would have anyway.

Whenever a senseless killing takes place with a firearm, the liberals knee-jerk response is to spout anti-gun rhetoric.  They actually believe this will stop the killings. They blame the gun rather than the shooter.  That's like having a war on terrorism, a tactic, rather than a war on Islamic terrorists, the people using the tactics of terrorism.

If gun control really works, then why does Chicago, one of the nation's strongest gun control cities, have a disproportionate number of firearm murders than cities with lighter restrictions?

I'm not a pro-gun advocate like some people I know, but I am a strong advocate of our Constitution, and I see how it is being circumvented and basically laughed at by this administration.  Some liberal politicians, like Al-I-Sucked-At-Being-A-Comedian-Franken, are even trying to pass legislation that would allow cell phone companies to implant a phone application that secretly tracks the user.  How unconstitutional is that?

If our country continues to go along its present course, we will become a Big Brother state.  We will continue to give up our basic freedoms because somehow we think the government can do a better job at protecting us from terrorists even though North Korea, Iran and China, not to mention the Islamic world, are on a crash course to crash with us.

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