Monday, November 5, 2012

The Not So Calm Before the Election

I almost can't believe that tomorrow is Election Day.   Obama is hoping to keep his job; Romney is hoping to take it and move America in the direction the President promised he would but didn't.  Then you have Joe Biden who is hoping to remain in a job that is way over his head.  He has been campaigning in Ohio at the headquarters of the Electrical Union in an effort to acquire all the electrical votes he can.  Just kidding.  He's actually asleep in his bowl of porridge.  And I ask myself, who would be the person I would want a heartbeat away from the presidency, Ryan or Biden?

Like many Americans, I've been following the election since Obama first began campaigning back in early '09.  It has been a marathon of ideas, mostly socialist ideas,  brought to us by a man whose resume could fit in a tweet.  Then Mitt Romney won the nomination by the GOP and now we have someone who brings years of business and managerial experience to the table.  Stack up those years of Romney success against a celebrity community organizer who, by being black, gave us the opportunity to assuage centuries of racial guilt, and we now have a photo-finish election tomorrow. Or do we?

Liberals still see Obama as a rock star president and that's good enough for them.  They feel good about having him at the helm, but the captain of our ship, America, is lost upon the ocean of decisions, and has no knowledge of the stars in the sky; only the stars in the movies.  And they, these super-wealthy one-percenters, get their egos fed by the Commander in Cheese.

For me, the decision is, much like Joe Biden, a no-brainer.  Do we want a lame duck president who has nothing to lose by forcing the country down the road of socialism, where government outgrows the private sector and the country is owned by China, or do we want actual change that we can believe in?

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