Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Got Dem Blues with Obama

Since the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama, I've been blogging much less than during the campaign.  Part of the reason may be due to the fact that this month is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, and I'm doing my 1667 words per day to get my 50 thousand novel completed by November 30th.  That's the goal.  But another part of the reason I've not been blogging like before has to do with my enthusiasm level, and I suspect I'm not alone when it comes to enthusiasm.

We've watched Fox News, read political blogs that tend to agree with our personal politics, and some of us have written in our own blogs about the failures of this administration and its failures.  In fact, to many of us, it seems inconceivable that anyone, much less the majority of our great country would re-elect a president that has done nothing to improve our economy, our security, and our trust in the government.  In fact, Obama has done the opposite with our economy, our military, and with trust of the government when you consider Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and Solyndra, just to name a few.

Obama won because he, like the mainstream media, is a leftist.  The media will always support the left, attack the right, and leave out what they don't want you to hear.  Those of us on the right know this but we have a lot more information to compare the facts and fictions with because even conservatives can't escape the mainstream new so we get to hear both sides.  Maybe we don't intentionally watch PMSNBC, but we go online where companies like Google and Yahoo lean obviously to the left in their news reportage.

 But liberals think news organizations like Breitbart or Fox are biased because they get all of their news from people like Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow, and these people are hypercritical of the right and anyone who represents it politically.  Most of them haven't spent any time actually watching what Bill O'Reilly or Brett Baier has to say, and how they might lean to the right, but at least show both sides.  Try seeing both sides with "Tingles" Matthews--it doesn't happen.

So I've decided to get my mental motor started again and get back down to blogging.  Maybe it'll be sparse this month as I write my novel, tentatively titled Scent of a Movement a parody about Occupy Wall Street, but I've promised myself to get back in the saddle for the new year.

As I write this, Ed Henry of Fox News is talking about how Obama is meeting with certain business leaders like Home Depot and others, and I wonder if he ever feels uneasy over the fact that he never held a real job beyond being a community organizer, never led a company, and never built anything like he claims the builders of this country are also guilty of failing to do.

Call this an early New Year's resolution. It is what it is.

If you get a chance I'd appreciate you visiting the ads in my blog to pay for the ink used here.  

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