Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Tax or Not a Tax, That is the Question

ObamaCare has been declared a tax. If it were not a tax, it would be unconstitutional. "Obama lied, liberty died," Sarah Palin tweeted after the decision was made public. John Roberts broke the tie and for now, liberty died.

Or did it?

Was Roberts sending a message to the American public that Obama, who promised not to raise taxes on the middle class even one dime, is a liar?  Obama still denies that his bill is merely another way liberals tax and spend, but if that is true, then his bill is illegal.  He can't have it both ways, but try telling that to a leftist, a group of people who've never seen a mandate they didn't like.

The reason leftists love mandates is because they need to be told what to do--it's for their own good and for ours, as far as they know.  Liberals still dream about suckling on the breast and holding Mommy's hand wherever they go.  Mandates are their form of security and more than that, it's their way of showing Americans who's boss.  I say 'Americans' because it's the conservatives who actually love what America is, and don't want to change something that has worked to make us the greatest nation in the world.  Liberals think we're ordinary, nothing special, just one of many nations.

Now the new Egyptian President, Mohammed Morsi, wants to free Omar Abdul Rahman, the "Blind Sheik."  Rahman is the scumbag who planned to blow up the Lincoln and Holland tunnels in New York City. He is the human excrement that Andrew McCarthy put away for life in prison.  Morsi, in his first public speech, stated that he will do what it takes to free Rahman.  He didn't know his speech would be heard in the USA--he's a backward Muslim Brotherhood member and needs to learn about modern communication systems.  But with Obama in office, does Morsi stand a chance of getting his wish?  Your guess is as good as mine.  I don't believe, however, that the American public (remember how I use the word 'American') will allow this to happen.

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