Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Flushings for June 29th

Obama Speaking to New Black Panthers
after marching with them in the past  
Eric Holder "will continue his excellent work as Attorney General," the DoJ is telling us, and this makes perfect sense--they will not prosecute their boss because jobs are scarce since Obama took office, and even attorneys need to work.  If allowing the New Black Panthers to intimidate white voters, or guns to be put in the hands of Mexican drug cartels is good legal judgment, then yes, Eric Holder is doing a cracker jack job and we're all racists.

Barack Hussein Obama is also doing a great job as President of the United States; that is, if you think lying to us about not taxing the middle class, and forcing healthcare onto us, a bill that will cost us over $1.2 TRILLION!  Does the concept of even one trillion make sense to you?  I've previously mentioned that it would take about 32 thousand years to count to that number, and if you stack $100 bills seven feet high and cover an entire football field with these century notes, you'd have one trillion dollars.  A trillion is a very very high number and Obama has put us in the hole for about $15.5 trillion thus far.  Once he declares himself "King of America" we can count on the debt increasing even more.  Liberals don't care--they believe we should all be free to do what we want, as long as how we live is mandated.

The notion that dozens of Democrats walked out of the Congressional contempt proceeding on Holder, yesterday, is reminiscent of the same cowardly left walking out on the state of Wisconsin when the Walker issues were to be voted on.  They would do anything in order to do nothing.

Finally, Bernie Madoff's brother, Peter, who previously denied knowing about the fraud scheme, is now admitting he made out like the bandit he is. Petie, the new cell block sweetie, will serve 10 years, give up the fortune he stole, and plans to marry his assigned cell mate, Bubba Gumbo Jones.  He plans to donate all the wedding gifts to the Obama campaign.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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